Saturday, March 10, 2012

"IF YOU HAVE TO CRY GO OUTSIDE" by Kelly Cutrone-For Budding Leaders & Feisty, Fearless Fashionistas!

A Non Fashionista yet a Mogul in the Fashion World~ Leader, Mentor, Entrepreneur-KELLY CUTRONE. Industry's no mercy no nonsense"DIVA" An iconic influential woman with a style of her own and of course, one of my idols in life followed by Ms.Anna Wintour

Excerpts, insight, take aways whatever it may be dedication to aspiring driven budding leaders; from NY times Best seller book that I am reading now: "IF YOU HAVE TO CRY GO OUTSIDE" In the words of Kelly herself :-

"It's easy to think that the problem is outside yourself, that it's all Hollywood's fault, or that it's other people who need to change. I was trying to solve their problems when I was obviously loaded and going nowhere fast myself. I'm not saying we shouldn't use clarity toward others as a way of learning lessons and doing good to the world, but I am saying that primary work of our own lives is inside ourselves (it's a macro/micro kind of thing). The wars in the world are outward manifestations of the war that rages inside each of us; charity and change truly begin at home.

I've spent years wrestling with what's important in this life. Is it being the hottest, coolest girl, the one with the best job who's having the most fun or is it escaping to someplace like India and turning my back on the material world to immerse myself in the metaphysical? They're both invalid. My journey has been about forming an "X" on the spot where the heights of glorious superficiality meet the depths of spirituality. Worldly success and divine transcendence are not mutually exclusive. Fame and success will NOT bring you happiness without a deeper knowledge of yourself and a connection to something greater than yourself.

At the same time, contemplating the meaning of life under a banyan tree in India is of little use to anyone. Money is a force ruled by darkness, and it's our job to claim it in the name of the Divine, appointing ourselves trustees of her money. We do not need to be starving monks in order to be holy people. The world needs you. It needs you to find and fearlessly manifest your true and powerful and authentic self, and it needs you to enjoy the pleasures that are here for taking. I hope you'll find inner peace and know the abundance of prostrating yourself in front of the divine. And I hope you'll know other kinds of abundance too, whether it's climbing to the tops of the Himalayas or buying bracelets at the counter at Hermes. Tell them Kelly cutrone sent you."

Finally in the words of Kelly "I Hope that you too, will choose to have a journey instead of just a LIFE. Actually, I hope it's a full on EXPEDITION"~KC

These views may not appeal to everyone and high respect to that, but a book definitely worth reading for the Feisty, Fearless fashionstas out there. Taste a piece of Kelly and it can only make you a stronger person inside and out!! Cheers and God Bless~

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